The Bettye Ackerman-Cobb Child Development Center (CDC) offers a plethora of opportunities for parent involvement. These programs include but are not limited to Parent Advisory Board (PAB) Meetings and quarterly activities.
PAB Meetings:
- The PAB Meetings are held virtually on the third Thursday of each month from 11:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
- The CDC emails parents/guardians with the dial in information for the meetings. Please contact the CDC at (804) 279-3018 if you have not received the meeting information.
PAB Membership:
- Open to all parents/guardians of children attending the Bettye Ackerman-Cobb CDC. The Executive Board governs the PAB and consists of parents serving in positions such as: President, Secretary, Room Representatives, and Committee Chair(s).
Purpose of the PAB:
- Facilitate communication and foster a positive relationship between the parents/guardians, the teaching staff, and the CDC Director
- Learn about the CDC's policies, procedures, programs, and activities
- Highlight the recent accomplishments of the CDC
- Discuss philosophies and practices related to early childhood education and how they are implemented at the CDC
- Promote and support a safe and positive educational environment for the physical, mental, and intellectual well-being of the children
- Make recommendations for change to the CDC Director regarding the following areas: goals, policies, use of facilities, and/or use of resources
If you have any questions, please contact the CDC at (804) 279-3018.
If you are a Bettye-Ackerman-Cobb CDC family, please join our private Facebook group.