Riverview Golf Course Punch Cards

Purchase a special Riverview Golf Course Punch Card at a great discounted rate and continue to play throughout the off-season months.

Attention Golfers! Would you like to continue playing golf throughout the winter months? 

If so, you can still golf during the off-season by purchasing a Riverview Golf Course Punch Card available Oct. 1, 2024 through Mar. 31, 2025!

The Riverview Golf Course will transition to limited services for the colder months!  Take advantage of these great discounted rates and continue golfing as much as you desire during our winter operations (limited operating hours)!

Member Rates:

  • Six (6) 9-hole rounds: $50
  • Six (6) 18-hole rounds: $75

Non-member Rates:

  • Six (6) 9-hole rounds: $90
  • Six (6) 18-hole rounds: $140

Each Punch Card Includes:

  • Cart rental included
  • Six (6) 9-hole or 18-hole rounds
  • One punch per 9-hole or 18-hole round
  • Credit will be given for the next Season (April- September)

Additional Details:

  • Punch Cards are valid Oct. 1-Mar. 31.
  • Purchase and redeem at the Pro Shop.
  • The Riverview Golf Course is open to the entire community, regardless of base access.
    • Due to the secured nature of the Defense Distribution Center Susquehanna, patrons who do NOT possess an installation access badge should contact the Riverview Golf Course for base access instructions and security vetting (a 24-hour notice is required Mon-Fri).

Please contact the Riverview Golf Course, A Ave., Bldg. 300, for more information at 717-770-5199.

See you on the course!  Purchase yours today and save!

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