Oil Change Punch Cards Available

You can buy 5 oil changes, get the 6th one FREE!

Automotive Skills Center has a great offer for you! Let our certified mechanics do the work for you and save!

You can buy 5 oil changes, get the 6th one FREE!

Stop by Automotive Skills Center and pick up your punch card today in order to SAVE!

Bring your car in for an oil change and each time you purchase an oil change, get your punch card stamped.

Then, after you purchase your 5th oil change we will cover the cost of your 6th oil change and filter replacement.

  • Punch cards are available for either conventional or synthetic oil.
  • Offer includes oil change and filter replacement.
  • No taxes or disposal fees.
  • Offer is only valid on the same vehicle throughout the year.
  • One punch per oil change.
  • Cannot be combined with other offers or promotions.

Call to make your appointment today!

For more information, contact:

Automotive Skills Center
Email Us

  • Happenings Monthly Calendar December 24 (pdf)
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  • Happenings Monthly Calendar November 24 (pdf)
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