Labor Day Shamble Tournament

September 2, 2024 | 8:30am-2:30pm | Eagle Eye Golf Course

Monday, September 2
8:30AM Shotgun

Format: 18 holes.  All four players tee off and the two best shots are selected. Teams break up into 2 two-person scramble teams and finish the hole with those teams and both scores will count as the teams total score. The next tee all four players tee off again and then break up into two-person scramble teams again; the two-person teams can be different each hole. Pairings will be made by the Golf Professional.

Member Fee: $45
Non-Member Fee: $55
Cart Fee: $15 (not included)

Includes: Lunch, drinks and prizes.

Maximum:  48 players

Register:  Call to register,  (614) 692-2075

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